GitHub Tutorial

How To Create Private Repository in GitHub

How To Create Private Repository in GitHub
Written by Digital Techsol

Managing the privacy of your code is crucial, especially when working on sensitive or proprietary projects. GitHub, a widely-used platform for code hosting, offers a feature that allows you to make a GitHub repository private. This article will guide you through the steps to make a GitHub repository private, ensuring your code is only accessible to those you choose.

1. Understanding the Importance of Private Repositories

Before diving into the process, it’s essential to understand why you might want to make a GitHub repository private. A private repository ensures that only specific users can view or contribute to the code. This is especially useful for projects that involve sensitive information, proprietary algorithms, or pre-release software. By making a GitHub repository private, you can protect your intellectual property while still collaborating with a select group of people.

2. Creating a New Private Repository

To create a new private repository on GitHub, follow these steps:

  • Log in to your GitHub account.
  • Click on the + icon in the upper-right corner and select New repository.
  • Enter the repository name and description.
  • Under the Repository Type section, select Private.
  • Click Create repository.

By making these selections, you ensure that your repository is private right from the start. Therefore, only users with explicit permission will have access to your code. Additionally, this approach can prevent accidental exposure of sensitive information, which is critical for maintaining security.

3. Converting an Existing Repository to Private

If you already have a public repository and want to change its visibility, GitHub allows you to make the transition easily. To make a GitHub repository private from an existing public one:

  • Navigate to the repository you want to change.
  • Click on the Settings tab.
  • Scroll down to the Danger Zone section.
  • Click Change repository visibility.
  • Select Make private and confirm your choice.

It’s important to note that once you make a GitHub repository private, any forks created from it will remain public unless the users who forked the repository also change their visibility settings. Therefore, consider this before making the switch, as it could affect how your code is shared.

4. Managing Access to a Private Repository

After you make a GitHub repository private, you’ll need to manage who can access it. GitHub allows you to invite collaborators who will have the ability to view and contribute to the repository. To add collaborators:

  • Go to the repository page and click Settings.
  • Click on Manage access under the Access tab.
  • Click Invite a collaborator and enter the GitHub username or email.
  • Select the appropriate permissions (read, write, or admin) and send the invitation.

Managing access is crucial because it ensures that only trusted individuals can view or modify your code. As a result, you can collaborate securely without worrying about unauthorized access.

5. Changing a Repository from Private to Public

Sometimes, you might need to change a private repository to public. This is common when a project is ready for release or when you want to share your work with the broader community. To make a GitHub repository from private to public:

  • Go to the repository’s Settings tab.
  • Scroll down to the Danger Zone section.
  • Click Change repository visibility.
  • Select Make public and confirm your choice.

Once you make a GitHub repository public, it becomes accessible to anyone on the internet. Therefore, ensure that any sensitive information has been removed before making this change. Additionally, transitioning from private to public can enhance collaboration and visibility, making it easier to attract contributors and users.

6. Best Practices for Managing Private Repositories

When you make a GitHub repository private, it’s essential to follow best practices to maintain security and collaboration efficiency. Here are a few tips:

  • Regularly review access permissions: Periodically check who has access to your repository and adjust permissions as needed. This ensures that only current collaborators can access your code.
  • Use branch protection rules: Implement branch protection rules to prevent unauthorized changes to critical branches. This feature is available even for private repositories and adds an extra layer of security.
  • Keep sensitive information out of commits: Avoid committing sensitive information such as API keys or passwords. Use environment variables or secret management tools instead.

By following these best practices, you can maximize the benefits of a private repository while minimizing potential risks. Therefore, whether you’re working on a personal project or collaborating with a team, these strategies will help you manage your repository more effectively.


Making a GitHub repository private is a simple yet powerful way to protect your code and collaborate securely. Whether you’re starting a new project or transitioning an existing one, GitHub provides the tools you need to manage your repository’s visibility effectively. By following the steps outlined in this guide—creating a new private repository, converting an existing one, managing access, and changing visibility—you can ensure that your code is secure and your collaboration is efficient. As a result, making a GitHub repository private will become a standard practice in your development workflow, safeguarding your projects while fostering collaboration.


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